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Aligners (The Invisbile Brace Systems)

What are aligners?

Dental Aligners(like Invisalign, Illusion Aligners, Clear Aligners,Odonto Aligners, etc)  are  Clear plastic, repositionable orthodontic tools used to correct teeth position. They are a well-liked substitute for conventional metal braces and are frequently used to treat minor to moderate dental misalignment. By gently pressing on the teeth, dental aligners gradually move them into the ideal position. The only times they are taken out are to eat, brush, and floss. They are usually worn for 20 to 22 hours per day. Wearing a series of aligners throughout the course of treatment will gradually reposition the teeth into the ideal position. Each aligner in the series is worn for a predetermined period of time before being changed out for the following one. 

15 - Advantages of Dental Aligners

  1. Invisible Transformation: Say goodbye to the visible wires and brackets of traditional braces. Dental aligners are almost invisible when worn, ensuring that your treatment stays your little secret.

  2. Freedom to Remove: You have the power to remove your aligners for meals, drinks, brushing, and flossing. This means you can enjoy your favorite foods without restrictions and maintain impeccable oral hygiene.

  3. Total Comfort: Aligners are crafted from smooth, comfortable materials that won’t irritate your mouth. No more worrying about uncomfortable metal components poking at your cheeks and lips.

Brace Dental Clinic, Certified Invisalign Provider

8. Less Discomfort: Many patients experience less discomfort with aligners compared to traditional braces, especially during the initial adjustment period.

9. Safety First: Aligners are free from sharp metal parts that could cause injuries, making them a safe choice for your mouth.

10. Speedy Transformation: For some cases, aligners can lead to quicker treatment times than traditional braces, especially for mild to moderate issues.

11. Boosted Confidence: Enjoy improved smile aesthetics throughout your treatment, which can boost your self-confidence and overall well-being.

12. Lifestyle Friendly: Aligners fit seamlessly into your lifestyle. They’re removable and don’t come with dietary restrictions, allowing you to maintain your daily activities and choices.

Dental Aligners, Brace Denal Clinic

4. Eat What You Love: Unlike traditional braces with their list of off-limit foods, dental aligners let you savor all your favorite treats because you can take them out before indulging.

5. Effortless Maintenance: With fewer trips to the orthodontist for adjustments, your aligner treatment is more convenient, saving you time and effort.

6. Predictable Perfection: Aligners are designed using cutting-edge technology for precise tooth movements, ensuring you get the results you desire without surprises.

7. Unhindered Speech: You can speak naturally and confidently with aligners, as they have minimal impact on your speech.

Brace Dental Clinic Dr Asrar Siddqui

Smile Solutions with Dental Aligners:

Discover the incredible possibilities dental aligners offer for achieving your dream smile. Our aligners can effectively treat a variety of common orthodontic issues, including:

  1. Straightening Crooked Teeth
  2. Closing Gaps
  3. Fixing Overbites 
  4. Dealing with Underbites
  5. Solving Crossbites
  6. Tackling Open Bites
  7. Rotated Teeth
  8. Maintaining Previous Results
Dr Asar Siddiqui , Certified Invisalign Provider

Age-Friendly Smile Transformation:

No matter your age, dental aligners are a fantastic choice:

  1. Teenagers: Enjoy the freedom of aligners that won’t interfere with your active lifestyle. Keep your confidence high while getting the smile you’ve always wanted.

  2. Adults: It’s never too late for a stunning smile. Our discreet aligners are perfect for professionals and anyone looking for a more inconspicuous orthodontic solution.

  3. Children: In some cases, aligners can be a great fit for children. Rest assured, we’ll provide tailored treatment recommendations for your child’s unique needs.

Expert Dental clinic

Got Doubts?

Dental aligners offer several advantages over traditional braces, such as being nearly invisible, removable, and typically more comfortable. However, they may not be suitable for all orthodontic conditions. The choice between aligners and braces depends on individual cases and should be discussed with our dentists or our inhouse orthodontist, Dr Mohd Asrar Siddiqui, MDS, Certified Invisalign Provider. 

The duration of treatment with dental aligners varies depending on the complexity of the case. On average, it can range from 6 months to 2 years. Regular consultations with your dentist are necessary to monitor progress and make adjustments as needed.

Dental aligners may cause mild discomfort or pressure when first worn or when switching to a new set. This sensation is typically temporary and a sign that the aligners are working. If the discomfort persists, consult our dentists.

It’s recommended to remove aligners while eating and drinking anything other than water. This prevents damage to the aligners and maintains oral hygiene by reducing the risk of trapping food particles and liquids under the aligners.

Aligners should be worn for 20-22 hours a day for optimal results. They should only be removed for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. Consistent wear is crucial to achieve the desired treatment outcome.

Yes, you should remove your aligners for brushing and flossing. This ensures proper oral hygiene by allowing you to clean your teeth and gums thoroughly. Also, cleaning your aligners separately is essential to maintain their clarity and hygiene.

If you lose or damage an aligner, contact your dentist immediately. Depending on your treatment stage, your dentist may advise you to wear a previous set or move to the next one until a replacement is provided.

Aligners should be cleaned regularly with a soft-bristled toothbrush and lukewarm water. Avoid using hot water, as it can warp the plastic. Special cleaning solutions designed for aligners can also be used but avoid using toothpaste, as it can be abrasive.

After your aligner treatment, you will likely need to wear a retainer to maintain your new tooth alignment. The type and duration of retainer use will be determined by our dentist based on your specific needs.