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Dental Caps & Bridges

Dental Caps

Think of dental caps as personalized tooth armor. These custom-made caps are like superhero shields for your teeth. When a tooth is damaged or weakened by things like cavities, cracks, or discoloration, a dental cap is like a protective coat that brings the tooth back to its best shape and strength. They’re made to look just like your natural teeth and are crafted from materials that ensure they blend right in.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are your smile’s trusty sidekicks when you’re missing a tooth or two. They’re like a bridge that connects the gap left by missing teeth. In the bridge, you have custom-made, natural-looking replacement teeth supported by two sturdy anchors. These anchors, often fitted with crowns, secure the bridge in place. With dental bridges, you get your complete smile back, and you can chew, talk, and grin with confidence. The materials used make sure your new teeth not only feel strong but look great, too.

Benefits of Dental Caps and Bridges:

  1. Bring Back Your Smile:  They make sure your teeth work as they should, so you can eat, talk, and smile with confidence.

  2. Look and Feel Amazing: Say goodbye to dental imperfections or gaps in your smile. With caps and bridges, your teeth not only function better but also look natural and beautiful.

  3. Enjoy a Long-Lasting Solution: We know you want treatments that stand the test of time. Dental caps and bridges are known for their durability, so you can enjoy the benefits for years to come.

  4. Your Smile, Your Way: We create caps and bridges that blend in seamlessly with your natural teeth. You won’t have to worry about anyone noticing the difference.

  5. Protection and Stability: Dental caps safeguard weakened teeth, while bridges keep your teeth in place and prevent shifts. Your smile stays strong and stable.

  6. No Hassle, Just Confidence: With bridges, you don’t have to worry about taking them out. They’re there to stay, giving you a hassle-free and confident smile.

Types of Dental Crowns

E-max Crowns (Lithium Disilicate Crowns):
  • Stunning Aesthetics: E-max crowns are all about giving you a radiant smile. Crafted from advanced lithium disilicate ceramic, they offer a lifelike appearance. Their translucency and natural color mimic real teeth, making them the go-to choice for front teeth restorations.
  • Uncompromising Strength: Don’t be fooled by their beauty; E-max crowns are also incredibly strong. They provide the best of both worlds, combining aesthetics with the durability required for everyday wear and tear.
  • Confidence in Your Smile: With E-max crowns, you can smile with the utmost confidence. Your restored teeth will look so natural that even you may forget they’re dental crowns.
Zirconia Crowns:
  • Strength Beyond Compare: Zirconia crowns are renowned for their exceptional strength. They are like armor for your teeth, capable of withstanding the toughest chewing forces, making them an ideal choice for back teeth restorations.
  • Durable and Chip-Resistant: Unlike some other materials, Zirconia is highly resistant to chipping or breaking. This means you can enjoy long-lasting dental restorations without the worry of damage.
  • Aesthetic Appeal Meets Durability: While Zirconia crowns may not achieve the same level of translucency as E-max, they offer a harmonious balance between aesthetics and unmatched strength. Your molars can be both robust and good-looking.
  • Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) Crowns:
    • Precision and Strength: DMLS crowns are the product of cutting-edge technology. They are crafted using a high-precision laser fusion process, resulting in an incredibly precise fit and remarkable strength.
    • Ideal for Molars: DMLS crowns are a smart choice for molars, which face rigorous demands during chewing. Their strength and precision make them a reliable option for posterior teeth.
    • Advanced Dental Solutions: DMLS crowns exemplify the intersection of modern technology and dental care, providing you with a superior combination of durability and fit.
Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns:
  • Balanced Strength and Aesthetics: PFM crowns strike a balance between strength and aesthetics. They feature a metal substructure for durability and a porcelain outer layer for a natural look.
  • Versatile Use: PFM crowns are versatile and suitable for both front and back teeth. The porcelain layer masks the metal, ensuring a more natural appearance.
  • Durable and Aesthetic: With PFM crowns, you get the best of both worlds – strength to withstand chewing forces and an appearance that closely mimics your natural teeth.
Metal Crowns:
  • Robust and Dependable: Metal crowns are the workhorses of dental restorations. Made from strong metal alloys, such as gold or silver, they provide unmatched strength and durability.
  • Longevity: These crowns can stand the test of time, lasting for many years without showing significant wear or damage. This makes them an excellent choice for molars that endure heavy biting forces.
  • Visibility: While they offer incredible strength, metal crowns are conspicuous due to their metallic appearance. As a result, they are usually reserved for back teeth and may not be suitable for patients who prioritize aesthetics.