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Kids Dentistry

What is it all about?

Kids Dentistry is unique branch of Dentistry (Pedodontics) that deals with the prevention ,treatments and cure for dental ailments in children and adolescents. We are Brace Dental Clinics have Speaclisied Denntists (Pedodontists) who can address your concerns regarding your child’s Dental Health in a calm and soothing environment.

Our Pediatric dentists work to create a comfortable and welcoming environment for your children, with the goal of helping them develop positive associations with dental care and dental clinics

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Kids Dentistry involves the following:-

  1. Dental Checkup: Involves examining the child’s teeth and gums to check for any signs of tooth decay or gum disease, presence or eruption of permanent teeth.
  2. Dental cleanings:Here our dentists will clean the child’s teeth and remove any plaque or tartar buildup that may be present. Presence of plaque and tartar can lead to gum problems and dental cavities.
  3. Dental fillings:If a child has a cavity, the dentist may fill it to prevent further damage to the tooth.
  4. Extractions:In some cases, a tooth may need to be extracted due to decay or damage. Our Dentist can perform this procedure safely and comfortably for your child.
  5. Orthodontics:Our trained Paediatric dentists in association with in our in-house Orthodontist Dr Mohd Asrar Siddiqui, can also help identify and treat orthodontic issues, such as misaligned teeth or jaws. Early intervention in correction of irregular teeth or spacing can be done here.
  6. Dental education:Most of all our Dentists love to educate parents and their children on proper oral hygiene practices, including brushing, flossing, and healthy eating habits.
Dr Asrar Siddiqui, Best Orthodontist in Hyderabad