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Refund Policy

Last Updated: [1st October 2023]
At Brace Dental Clinic, your dental health is our top priority, and we strive to provide the highest quality of care and service. This Refund Policy outlines our guidelines regarding refunds for dental services and procedures. We appreciate your understanding of the following points that safeguard both our doctors and our clinic.
General Refund Policy
  1. No Refunds for Completed Services: We do not offer refunds for dental services or procedures that have been completed, as these services are provided based on professional expertise and materials used.
  2. Consultation Fees: Consultation fees are non-refundable, even if you decide not to proceed with recommended treatment.
Cancellation and Rescheduling
  1. Cancellation and Rescheduling Fees: If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please provide at least [insert notice period] notice. Failure to do so may result in a cancellation or rescheduling fee.
Non-Adherence to Post-Op Instructions and Medical Regimen
  1. Patient Responsibility: Patients are responsible for following post-operative instructions and prescribed medical regimens provided by our dental professionals. Failure to adhere to these instructions may impact treatment outcomes.
  2. No Refunds for Non-Adherence: We do not offer refunds if a patient experiences complications due to non-adherence to post-operative instructions or prescribed medical regimens.
Missed Appointments
  1. Scheduled Appointments: Patients are encouraged to attend scheduled appointments for follow-ups and treatments. Failure to attend appointments may impact treatment success.
  2. No Refunds for Missed Appointments: We do not offer refunds for missed appointments. Patients are responsible for rescheduling as needed.
Treatment Outcomes
  1. Treatment Results: Dental treatment outcomes may vary from person to person based on factors such as individual oral health, compliance with aftercare instructions, and lifestyle habits.
  2. No Guarantee of Specific Results: While we aim for the best possible results, we do not guarantee specific outcomes, and results may differ for each patient.
Exceptional Circumstances
  1. Refunds in Exceptional Cases: In rare cases of documented errors or exceptional circumstances, we may consider a refund or partial refund at the discretion of the clinic management.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about our Refund Policy or any aspect of our dental services, please contact us at:
Brace Dental Clinic: 
                         Contact Number: 9912477770, 9000235573
We appreciate your trust in Brace Dental Clinic and are committed to providing you with the best possible dental care. This policy is designed to ensure fairness and transparency in our dealings with patients.