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Removable Partial Denture ( RPD)

What is it all about?

Consider removable partial dentures as a reliable solution for your dental needs. These individually crafted, detachable devices are designed to fill the spaces left by missing teeth. They aim to help you comfortably enjoy your meals and communicate effectively while preserving the natural look of your dental structure. They function as personalized dental tools, tailored to your specific requirements, aiding in the restoration of your oral comfort and function


  • Classic Partial Dentures: These are like the reliable old sneakers you love. They come with replacement teeth attached to a comfortable base. Think of them as your trusty sidekicks that clip onto your natural teeth.

  • Metal-Boosted Partials: These are like the high-quality, sturdy boots that can take you anywhere. They have a metal frame that keeps things solid and long-lasting.

Removable Partial Denture (RPD) Brace Dental Clinics
  • Lightweight Acrylic Partials: Think of these like your favorite sneakers—comfortable and budget-friendly. They use a pinkish base and can be a great fit for everyday use.

  • Flexi-Dentures: These are like the stretchy, comfy socks that hug your feet perfectly. They’re made of a flexible, gum-like material that fits just right.

Unique Benefits of Removable Partial Dentures (RPD)

  1. Fill in the Missing Spaces: RPDs are like puzzle pieces that perfectly fit the gaps in your smile, ensuring your partial tooth loss doesn’t stand out. They’re your personal dental assistants, plugging those gaps with ease!

  2. Gentle on Your Natural Teeth: RPDs don’t ask your existing teeth to do too much heavy lifting. They’re like a helping hand that doesn’t burden your natural teeth with excessive work.

  3. Your Wallet Will Thank You: RPDs are a practical choice for those who want to save some money. Think of them as the budget-friendly option that doesn’t compromise on quality.

  4. Personalized for You: These aren’t one-size-fits-all. RPDs can be easily adjusted and fine-tuned to match your changing oral needs. It’s like having a tailor for your teeth!

Brace Dental Clinic, Rajendranagar