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Teeth Whitening

What is it all about?

Dental whitening is like a beauty treatment for your teeth. Over time, our teeth can become discolored due to factors like staining from food and drinks, smoking, or natural aging. Dental whitening uses special products and procedures to remove these stains and brighten your teeth.

This process typically involves the use of a whitening gel or solution that contains active ingredients like hydrogen peroxide. This gel is applied to your teeth, and a special light or laser may be used to activate it. The active ingredients break down and remove stains, leaving your teeth looking whiter and more vibrant.


1. A more appealing smile is made possible by teeth whitening, which can greatly enhance the appearance of stained or discoloured teeth.
2. Increase in self-confidence: A whiter, brighter grin can increase a person’s self-esteem and confidence.
3. Non-invasive: There is no drilling or tooth cutting involved in the teeth-whitening technique.
4. Easy and quick: Teeth whitening can frequently be completed in just half an hour per sitting
5. Economical: When compared to other cosmetic dentistry operations, teeth whitening is often a more affordable option for enhancing the look of the smile.