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Our Treatments

Imagine dental aligners as nearly invisible, tailor-made braces that work gently to straighten your teeth, allowing you to maintain your confidence throughout the process. 

Embrace the wonder of dental braces – the caring architects of your path to a dazzling, confident smile

A root canal is done when you have a really painful tooth because of an infection or swelling inside it. The dentist removes the infection…….

Dental implants serve as incredibly natural substitutes for missing teeth, comprising three key components…..

Dental restorations, including fillings, repair and protect your teeth, ensuring a brighter, healthier future for your pearly whites.

At Brace Dental, we make kids smile brighter! Our specialized kids dentistry team creates a fun and comfortable environment, making dental visits an adventure. We’re here to ensure your child’s oral health and happiness for a lifetime.

At Brace Dental, our basic dental extractions are swift and virtually painless, ensuring a comfortable experience for our patients. Your smile’s wellbeing is our priority.

Wisdom tooth extractions at our clinics are expertly performed, providing a pain-free solution for a brighter, more comfortable smile.

Our dental scaling is a gentle and effective way to maintain your oral health. Say hello to a fresh SMILE always…

Unlock the brilliance of a dazzling smile with teeth whitening. Reveal your inner radiance and embrace a more vibrant look

Complete Dentures

Benefit from the comfort and convenience of complete dentures, ensuring the restoration of your natural appearance and oral functionality with ease.

Crowns & Bridges

A range of dental crown options to suit your specific needs. Choose from durable metal-ceramic, aesthetically pleasing e-max, or the strength of zirconia crowns, ensuring a perfect fit and lasting dental excellence

Removable Partial Denture

Explore the versatility of removable partial dentures. Our custom-fit options prioritize comfort and functionality, granting you the freedom to eat, talk, and live life without restrictions.

Laser Dentistry

Embrace the cutting-edge precision of laser dentistry. Our minimally invasive approach means less discomfort and quicker recovery, ensuring a smoother path to optimal oral health.

Flap Surgery

Benefit from the advanced advantages of flap surgery. Our skilled team employs this procedure to treat gum disease effectively, promoting oral wellness and long-term vitality.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Embark on a transformative journey with full mouth rehabilitation at Brace Dental. Our comprehensive approach restores both function and aesthetics, ensuring your oral health is revitalized for the long haul.

Why us??

At Brace Dental Clinics, we are truly dedicated to offering a wide array of dental services to cater to patients of all ages, from the youngest toddlers to our respected geriatric clientele. Spread across our three branches, we ensure a tranquil and soothing ambiance that fosters a sense of serenity. What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to a warm and welcoming approach that treats every patient like family. Your comfort and well-being are our utmost priorities, making us the ideal choice for your dental needs.


All our 3 Branches remain closed on Sundays, but are open for confirmed prior appointments or for emergency Dental Treatments.

Sure, it’s a good idea to plan your dental visits ahead of time. This way, you can choose a convenient time that works for you, and it helps us make sure we have everything ready for your appointment.

  1. Preventing Problems: Going for these regular checkups helps stop dental problems before they get big and painful. It’s like catching a small leak in your roof before it turns into a big, expensive problem.

  2. Keeping Your Smile Bright: During these visits, your dentist gives your teeth a good cleaning, like a spa day for your mouth. They also teach you how to take better care of your teeth at home.

  3. Spotting Issues Early: Sometimes, there are sneaky problems in your mouth that don’t hurt, but they can turn into bigger issues later. Your dentist can find these early and stop them from causing trouble.

  4. Personalized Tips: Your dentist will share tips and advice that fit your mouth and your life. They might suggest changes to your routine or diet to keep your smile in top shape.

  5. Staying Healthy Overall: Believe it or not, your dental health can affect your whole body. Regular checkups can help keep you healthy in other ways, like reducing the risk of heart problems.

  6. Learning How to Care: Dentists are like teachers for your teeth. They’ll show you how to brush and floss better and give you pointers to keep your teeth and gums happy.

Keep in mind that how often you need these checkups can vary, so it’s a good idea to chat with your dentist about what’s best for you. The main thing is to keep up with those visits to keep your smile shining bright!

Some of the most common causes of tooth pain are :

  1. Tooth Decay (Cavities)
  2. Tooth Abscess
  3. Cracked or Fractured Tooth
  4. Sensitivity
  5. Tooth Eruption
  6. Impacted Wisdom Teeth
  7. Dental Procedures
  8. Bruxism
  9. Jaw Problems (TMJ Disorders)
  10. Oral Infections
  11. Oral Trauma
  12. Orthodontic Appliances
  13. Chemical Irritants
  14. Referred Pain
  15. Teeth Clenching or Grinding
  16. Neuralgia
  17. Eating or Drinking Certain Foods

Check out our Blog Article on: Say No To Dental Cavities by Clicking Here

The best way to brush your teeth is by following Modified Bass Brushing Technique. Read more about it through our blog, by Clicking Here

Bad Breath/ Oral Malodor also known as Halitosis can occur due to variety of reasons. Kindly check out our page on Halitosis by Clicking Here to know more.

We have four different options for missing teeth. To know more about each, click on the respective option.

  1. Removable Partial Denture
  2. Fixed Partial Denture
  3. Dental Implants
  4. Complete Dentures

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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
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